
Posts Tagged ‘morals’

With the recent passage of more totalitarian laws attempting to ban abortions by criminalizing it, in direct violation of established judicial decisions to the contrary, it’s become clear that there are no Christians in this country. If there were Christians, they’d be electing people to their legislatures who will fund free prenatal care, pregnant mother wellness programs, and low cost birth centers. If there were Christians in this country, they wouldn’t be terrorizing women who are just trying to do what is right for them and their family. However, they ignore the teachings and instructions of their supposed savior, Jesus Christ, and go on a power trip where they feel obligated to force complete strangers to adhere to arbitrary rules designed by back-door moneygrubbers whose only goal in life are to be emperor-gods and own everything.

So, you aren’t a Christian. You don’t love your neighbor. You don’t do and give to others the attitude and compassion you demand others show you. It’s all lip service to you, so you can look at yourself in the mirror and lie to yourself about what a wonderful person you are. You, yes you, are what’s wrong with country. You are why the USA will never be great, never was great, and is the laughing stock of the world.

Maybe you should try following the teachings of Christ. Be a true Christian. People might like you. Also, you might get into heaven when you die, should it be real.

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